Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. Northern Kentucky University Stress Management in College Discussion

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Everyone lives with some kinda stress learning that how to managing it depends on you and what ever is stressing you out.I is crucial to learn how to manage stress like reading assignments and testing,what a job demands living problems etc. I can be emotional and physical stress to events that challenge us so being in good physical condition is a way to prepare for future stress.I feel as though its hard for me to find the actual reason for causing my stress. Also trying to figure out what kind stress it is so I can find good coping strategies.Stressing about stuff you can’t change is something I struggle with a lot because I get mad at myself for not being able to have a different outcome because i’m a over thinker which is a waste of my time so I have to force myself to look for a way to fix or prevent it from happening again.

Humanities Homework Help

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