Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. Rassmusen College Awareness Commitments and Understandings Essay…

address the following question:

  • Give thoughtful attention to key concepts covered in the course
  • Integrate into your essay a description of the process you went though in developing the awarenesses, understandings and commitments you identify as most significant. 

In this paper you must connect… 

For example, here is a list of terms/concepts,

you must address in your essay in connection with your read topics:

awarenesses, understandings and commitments

  • social construction of reality,
  • individual-as-central, banking vs. transformative (connected) teaching; hidden curriculum;
  • tracking; reproduction theory; meritocracy; equity;
  • the role that class, race and gender play in shaping school culture and student outcomes; 
  • critical pedagogy; 
  • future of American education. 

One simple framework we’ve often referred to is found in three simple questions that can be easily used to format a final essay:

  • What? 
  • So what?
  • Now what? 
  • What are your key takeaways? 
  • What is the significance of those key takeaways? 
  • What are their implications for your practice, your critical awareness and your political sensibilities?

Humanities Homework Help

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