Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. ANTH 2302 University of Texas at Brownsville Anthropology Ethical Dilemma Worksheet

The assignment for this module is an “Ethical Dilemma” essay. I would recommend that as you search for peer-reviewed articles that you search for things that are either case studies (a specific instance) of looting, or articles that explore the broader impact of looting – either damage to archaeolgoical sites, motivations of local populations or buyers, interventions to prevent looting, or sanctions on buyers. By focusing on articles related to the original piece you will be able to more easily craft your essay. When it asks you to analyze your perspective, I want you to think about the kinds of assumptions you made about looting or the people who loot prior to reading the articles, and what has changed now. The two column table will take observations from the article (facts) and then what conclusions you can draw from those observations. Your table could look something like this:

Observation Conclusion
Many of the people who loot archaeological sites live below the poverty level. By creating local employment opportunities, officials may be able to stem the tide of looting.

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