Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. Read, watch video, short qz.

  1. Read the assigned chapters in your eBook.
    • When reading a chapter:
      • Build vocabulary by focusing on bolded words in the text.
      • Focus reading and studying by paying attention to section headings in each chapter.
      • Read the summary and glossary at the end of the chapter.
      • Complete the Discussion Questions at the end of the chapter.
  2. View the following poster: GenderBread poster.
  3. Watch the following YouTube videos:
  4. Take qz 5 to test your knowledge. Qz 5 consists of 8 short answer, matching, multiple-choice, and true/false questions. You will have 30 minutes to complete it. Do NOT open until you’re ready to complete entire qz.

Humanities Homework Help

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