Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. PHI 118 UCL Unfairness of Utilitarianism Philosophy Discussion

Here are the titles. The length is 1,000-1,500 words deadline is 12.00 noon on Tuesday 8th June.

1) What are the similarities and dissimilarities between Callicles’ view of justice and that of Thrasymachus? Do you find either position convincing?

2) Describe and critically assess the view of justice as mental health put forward by Socrates in the Republic.

3) How persuasive is the ‘function (ergon) argument’ of Aristotle Nicomachean Ethics 1.7?

4) On what grounds does Hume argue that there are no moral facts? Do you find his argument convincing?

5) On what grounds do Kant, Wollstonecraft and Douglass argue that all humans possess dignity and deserve respect? Do you find their arguments persuasive?

6) Does Utilitarianism lead to unfairness?

7) Does Nietzsche offer us a sound basis for a new ethics?

8) Does Rawls’ ‘Original Position’ provide a helpful starting-point either for constructing political and social institutions or evaluating current ones?

9) Do we have to choose between an ethics of care and an ethics of justice?

10) What makes someone’s life go best?

Humanities Homework Help

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