Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. HUM 7100 UArizona Wk 2 Comparing Historical Progress of Human Services Discussion

Week 2 – Assignment


Due Monday by 11:59pm Points 8 Submitting an external tool


History Of Human Services


Research and then compare and contrast the historical progression of one human services program in your state with an analogous program in another state. (Examples include the Food Stamp program, Medicaid Waiver programs, or TANF-funded programs.) In your paper: (MY STATE IS VIRGINIA)


Identify at least two major similarities and/or differences between how your state and the other state serve eligible clients under the programs you selected. (The Foster Care System)


Derive these similarities and differences from the disparate histories of the two states.


Analyze how history has shaped the parallel and/or divergent institutionalizations of the two programs.


Your paper should be 1,000 – 1,500 words in length, and you must cite and integrate no fewer than three scholarly sources.


Review Section 11.2: Citations and References from Sole’s and Landrum’s (2015) Academic Research and Writing: A Guide for the Social Sciences.

Humanities Homework Help

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