Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. CTUO American History Worksheet

Refer back to slide 11 on the Compromise of 1850.

Part A Do you agree or disagree with it? List and explain two reasons. 4-6 sentences

Part B Copy and paste one line from the notes that you feel best represents your opinion on whether you agree or disagree with it. Explain in 4 sentences.

Day 8 Notes

Part C:View slide nine Lincoln and Douglas View Points
Choose two view points for Lincoln and two for Douglass that you feel are the most important for voters. Explain why for each one. 4 sentences total.

Part D Find one statement from Douglass you feel the south would agree with the most. Explain why? Two sentences

Part E:Find one statement from Lincoln you feel the north would agree with the most . Explain why? Two sentences.

Humanities Homework Help

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