Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. Star Trek Poster using Illustrator

Project: LiveTrace (using Adobe Illustrator CC2018)

17×11 inch (Landscape)

needs the following:

1. Border (use a relevent image as a border pattern)

2. (7 )images plus a background (see attached file for the 7 pictures need to be used) you can choose a background (whichever you like that is going to be relevant to the entire Art Work)

3. Title

4. Subhead

5. by-line

NOTE: Use Live Trace only (No pen, No pencil, No Bruch, etc…)

In the Live Trace only use option of 6 or 16 colors

After placing the images first embed (Rasterize) then use live trace (6 or 16 colors), then Expand the Live Trace, Re-color the Art Work

Has to look like a poster that gives information, Has to have historical value in it! (make your own design don’t copy a design from google)

Submit the finished work as PDF and Illustrator which shows all the layers and the work done!

Humanities Homework Help

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