Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. Valencia College Yin and Yang Symbols & Jainsim Discussions

Jainsim seems very stringent. However, it could also be very liberating. What do you think?

Enjoy watching this supplemental video.

What is Jainism? (Links to an external site.)What is Jainism?

In 250 words, and focusing on the “ethics” of Jainism, how difficult would it be to be a Jain in the United States today with all of the temptations that are faced – particularly regarding sexual, environmental, and money matters.

Include a quote from an academic source (not a .com) that bolsters your claim.


While the yin and yang symbols are universally recognized, their true meaning is sometimes confused. In fact, it is one of the hardest concepts for Westerners to understand in world religions.

Here is a supplemental video that can enhance your text.

The hidden meanings of yin and yang – John Bellaimey (Links to an external site.)The hidden meanings of yin and yang - John Bellaimey

So – after reading the text and watching the videos, try this assignment.  In 250 words, explain two specific examples of the yin/yang relationship in today’s modern Western society.  Do not spend a lot of time defining yin and yang. Define it through the examples.  Make sure they are societal or relational, not environmental!

Humanities Homework Help

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