Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. SNHU Task Groups Discussion

Group work is a commonly used method within school settings. Because peer interaction is important in the emotional and social development of children, the task group can serve as a wonderful therapeutic setting and tool; however, many factors should be considered when implementing this type of intervention.

For this Discussion, read the Van Velsor (2009) article.

By Day 3

Post your understanding of task groups as an intervention for children. Use the model for effective problem solving to compare and contrast (how to identify the problem, develop goals, collect data). How does this model differ from a traditional treatment group? What are the advantages and possible disadvantages of this model? Describe how you might use this model for adults. What populations would most benefit from this model?

By Day 5

Respond to a colleague by suggesting other advantages or disadvantages of the model for effective problem solving.

Colleague 1: Caneshia
Task Groups for Children

In the school or educational setting, task groups work as an intervention for children by helping them develop and practice social and emotional skills (Van Velsor, P., 2009). The skills presented for educating and teaching child social and emotional skills is to guide children of responding to life conflicts and stressors. For example, within society proper communication is required for success. One will be required to handle stress and properly function within life. A prime illustration is the high demands of the MSW program for Walden University. Although there are high standards for integrity and scholar behavior set. As a scholar, one should not allow an interference with our social and emotional skills. The skills taught during task group for children will educated and practice with children the importance of the balance of social and emotional skills for society. One can should not react off emotions in a social setting. Task groups incorporate everyday life situations that help children learn and develop skills and techniques when working together. Task groups as an intervention prepares children for academic and life successes (Van Velsor, P., 2009).

Model for effective problem solving

The Effective Problem-Solving Model includes six steps, in which three are developing goals, collecting data, and identifying a problem (Toseland, R. W., & Rivas, R. F., 2017). Using these steps will guide the child to overcome problematic situations and achieve goals.

Step 1: Define the problem

Step 2: Measure the problem

Step 3: Set the goal

Step 4: Determine root causes

Step 5: Set Best strategy

Step 6: Implement

The child will be educated on how to process throughout each step to identify the problem, develop goals, collect data. The group leader must determine when it is appropriate to step aside and allow the children to drive, and when it is necessary to provide guidance to the children or to observe the group (Van Velsor,2009).

How does the model differ from a traditional treatment group

The Task Group Intervention differs from traditional treatment due to the group working together to accomplish a specific task. The primary focus in treatment groups is for individual change (Van Velsor, P., 2009). Within a Task group, members self-disclose to receive personal testimony and feedback of other participates within group. However, within a traditional treatment group this might not be the case. The participates are not always presented this opportunity. The group members might not be provided the opportunity to work together to self-disclose to receive personal feedback. Task Group Interventions goal is for participants equally to overcome tasks. In other words, Task Group places all members on the same level and treatment groups acknowledges that each member is on different levels. For example, a task group is our wiki groups. We are working towards the goal of completion of week ten assignment. An illustration of a treatment group was presented during week nine. We were introduced to women who were survivors of sex trafficking and/or assault. The goal of the treatment group was the mental healing of functioning emotionally and socially within society with trauma of sexual assault.

Advantages and possible disadvantages of this model?

An advantage of the Task Group Intervention Model is it allows the child to improve on their social skills. The group leader observes and intervenes when appropriate. Children improve on their social skills by learning appropriate behaviors in a control environment (Van Velsor, P., 2009). The Task Group Intervention Model also provides skills to children to prepare for real world situations (Van Velsor, P., 2009). A disadvantage is the group leader mostly observes. A disadvantage pointed out by Van Velsor (2009) is that children who “with less developed social and emotional skills” may have difficulties learning the skills taught in the task group. The task group can be used for both children and adults (Van Velsor, P., 2009). With the lack of facilitation, the child will become lost and possibly emotionally frustrated with the group. This can lead to a disfunction of the structure of the group.

Model for adults

Although this model teaches children emotional and social interactions. This model can also serve purpose for adults. Being the model focuses on emotional and social interaction, I would place the focus on adults dealing with the conflict of grief. When we lose a loved one, functionally emotionally and socially will become an issue. For example. One will be required to present to work when one is struggling with presenting for self. Getting out of the bed will be a struggle for anyone who has lost a loved one. However, one will have to separate emotions and interact and socially interact with society. One will be required to regulate personal emotions and continue to function “normal” within society.

Populations that will benefit most

Any population will benefit from this model. The goal is to promote encouragement, self-control, self-sufficiency, development of communication skills, and understanding the results of giving positive feedback (Van Velsor,2009).


Toseland, R. W., & Rivas, R. F. (2017). An introduction to group work practice (8th ed.). Boston, MA: Pearson.

Van Velsor, P. (2009). Task groups in the school setting: Promoting children’s social and emotional learning. Journal for Specialists in Group Work, 34(3), 276–292.

Colleague 2:lyndsay

According to Velsor (2009) utilizing task groups for children can focus on enhancing skills and work in a group setting to allow children an opportunity to work on development, modification, and enhancement of social skills and learning appropriate material in the classroom. Velsor (2009) discusses that the use of task groups were found effective in helping children to learn about a topic in a group setting, build social emotional skills, and build sense of accomplishment, and their self-esteem.

Toseland, et al, (2017) describes the model as six steps starting with identifying a problem, develop goals, collect data, develop plans, select best plan, and implement the plan. When looking at the model and comparing the similarities and differences of individual counseling and group counseling, the steps are similar, the differences would be focused on the content that was provided as the group setting would be able to expand further on the problems and solutions.

To determine what population may best be served with this model, would be determined based on that the group was established for. I think in best it would be better designed to help a group of adults focus on problem solving or planning processes to establish new ideas or solutions.


Toseland, R. W., & Rivas, R. F. (2017). An introduction to group work practice (8th ed.). Boston, MA: Pearson.

Velsor, P. (2009). Task Groups in the School Setting: Promoting Children’s Social and Emotional Learning. Journal for Specialists in Group Work, 34(3), 276–292.…

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