Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. CUNY Borough of Manhattan Symbolic Interactionism and Socialization Discussion

For this assignment, you are required to find two examples of advertisements that depict different sociological theories that we have covered thus far in the semester (e.g. Identity, Socialization, Symbolic Interactionism, etc.) The advertisements can be from any media source (e.g. print, video, radio, etc.). Though, they must be handed in to receive credit so please email me your chosen content prior to class.

In using your selected advertisements, I would like each of you to write a paper that analyzes your content through the perspective of sociological social psychology. This requires you to be very deliberate in choosing your advertisement. Please keep in mind which theoretical perspective that came to mind when you chose your content. This assignment is geared to generate creativity and to apply classroom content to the things that we consume subliminally in our daily lives.

Humanities Homework Help

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