Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. Oberlin College Developing a Resource Management System Paper

Your task this week is to develop a resource management system that will assist you moving forward into your dissertation.

1. Begin by creating a list of five to seven questions and strategies you will use to critically read research articles for your dissertation.

2. Narrow down the list that you identified last week to only two potential topics (if you haven’t already).

  • The relationship between emotional intelligence and self-control in motivating optimum life quality. 
  • Are fall risks preventable? Exploring the practicality of preventing falls for geriatrics. 
  • What are the effects of the concept of ‘The Act of Kindness’ on the human brain? 

3. Use this week’s readings as a guide, as well as the library resource Organizing Research to compare the different reference management or filing systems you could use for your searches. What do you see as the advantages and disadvantages of each? Based on your analysis of these systems, which do you think will be the best fit for you as you begin to review the literature and why? Write a 2- to 3-page response evaluating each system, including which one you chose and how you foresee this system helping you as you continue with your academic career.

4. Then, locate at least five scholarly sources for each topic. At least 1 of these sources must explicitly discuss theory for each topic.

5. Use the system, questions and strategies you created to, prepare a table of information for each topic. Use the example provided in Warm-Up Activity 2.1 Understand Scholarly Sources, and then fill in the related table sections. You may do this either in a Word document or Excel.

Humanities Homework Help

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