Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. Capella University Standardized Tests Discussion

The WAIS-IV is a commonly used standardized intelligence test for adolescents and adults.  

Assume you have been asked to evaluate an inpatient and have very limited time so that you can administer only 3 subtests from the WAIS-IV.  

The referral question is to determine the likelihood that the subject will be able to return to work. 

In your discussion post, you must describe the subtests you selected and thoroughly explain the rationale for your choice.  In your rationale be sure to describe the properties and applications of the standardized intelligence test subtests selected as they apply to your assigned client. Identify at least one methodological consideration concerning the reliability and validity of administering the chosen subtests.

Explain what modifications you would make (if any) to your choice of subtests if you found out your client had less than a high school education or was not a native English speaker. Give examples of arguments for and against the use of standardized tests to make predictions about future performance and apply these arguments to your specific assigned client.


Your client’s career: Business owner of a printing company with 50 employees

Peer 1 BA

*Assume you have been asked to evaluate an inpatient and have very limited time so that you can administer only 3 subtests from WAIS-IV.  The referral question is to determine the likelihood that the subject will be able to return to work.

    *My client, A through I: Your client career: Business owner of a printing company with 50 employees

  • *In your discussion post, you must describe the subtests you selected and thoroughly explain the rationale for your choice.  In your rationale be sure to describe the properties and applications of the standardized intelligence test subtests selected as they apply to your assigned client. 

    The first test, to begin with, I would employ a Digit Scan that will involve three parts whereby the business owner will repeat digits forward, backward, and in ascending patterns.  The test will determine the business owner’s working memory, short term, and auditory recall.  Besides, whilst working in his printing company, the business owner must be able to keep up with customer orders and pass on the information to his workplace. 

    Secondly, I would employ a Verbal Comprehension Test.  comprehension determines how much information the mind processes during comprehension (Salthouse, 2013).  Therefore, utilizing a comprehension test will determine if the business owner can organize and apply general knowledge skills.  Nevertheless, if the business owner is unable to stay organized, he will not be able to return to work.  Besides, he will not be capable of informing his subordinates of what is expected of them.

    Thirdly, I would employ the Coding Subtest to request the business owner to record relationships between varied symbols and numbers over a limited time.  Coding will help me determine the business owner’s ability to absorb new information, psychomotor speed ability to show attention, and concentration.  The business owner must manifest the above skills to enable him to listen to his customers, take orders, and manage his employees effectively.

*Identify at least one methodological consideration concerning the reliability and validity of administering the chosen subtests.

The above tests are reliable because they are likely to manifest consistency when administered to the same patient (the business owner).  The above tests have undergone factor analytical studies, which have ascertained that they are a good measure of general intelligence (Girard et al., 2015).

*Explain what modifications you would make (if any) to your choice of subtests if you found out your client had less than a high school education or was not a native English speaker.

Notably, it would be challenging to determine the business owner’s general intelligence if he is not a native English speaker.  Therefore, I would call for translation of all the information to comprehend what is being asked.  Similarly, I would ensure that the information available to the patient matches with his education levels.

*Give examples of arguments for and against the use of standardized tests to make predictions about future performance and apply these arguments to your specific client.

One example of an argument that is in favor of the standardized test is because the test is believed to be true, this belief is mostly represented by colleges and schools and states that require this sort of testing.  By having only time to administer 3 tests and the client is a business owner that has the responsibility of 50 employees, this test would be a single test and taken under equal conditions which means that the results would be measured equally.   One example that is against is that for a business owner, this test does not measure intelligence, it only measures wealth.  The research indicates that the best predictor of success is based on the socioeconomic status rather than the educational level of the test taker.  If there were an employee taking the test he would most likely not do as well as the business owner because the business owner has the means to prepare for the test because of his resources which will enable the business owner to score higher because he has the financial backing to be tutored on the test


For this discussion I was tasked to evaluate a small business owner with a printing company of 50 employees. He is getting this evaluation in hopes of returning to work. I will be using the WAIS-IV which the test developers deemed as loaded towards these 4 specific categories, “Verbal Comprehension, Working Memory, Perceptual Reasoning, and Processing Speed (Cohen & Swerdlik, n.d.).” The WAIS-IV has both core tests (which obtain a composite score and supplemental tests that are optional to provide more clinical information. 

There is another group of subtests called, short form, which are given in situations when there is not much time. The Weschler Abbreviated Scale Index or (WASI) is an example of a short form intelligence test.  It is given in 15 minutes rather than 30 such as the WAIS-IV, but according to Cohen and colleagues, when we lessen the number of test items, that also lessens its reliability and possibly it’s validity and it does not seem necessary in this situation. (Cohen & Swerdlik, n.d). An extra 15 minutes in the name of validity and reliability is worth it in my opinion. Since the core of the WAIS-IV are centered towards the attributes I named earlier, I believe that to be the best group of tests for this individual.  Specifically, the Figure Weights test, which involves balancing the correct weights on each side of an object, seem to be relevant because as a business owner, I am sure they have to wear different hats and deal with employees from diverse backgrounds. I would also like to administer tests in Verbal Communication and Perceptual Reasoning.  It is very important to be able to communicate with employees and potential clients and the reasoning tests is a very good predictor of assertiveness which is at a premium in the workplace. 

If someone had trouble speaking the native language or did not have much education, I would do all that I could with taking non-verbal cues like pointing to objects or having them try to write out what they want to say. If possible, I would check beforehand if there needs to be any special accommodations made for circumstances such as these.  I would also have another test administrator there if that was allowed. 

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