Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. DPU Collaboration and Social Work Values Reflection

Part 1(30pts): In critically thinking about your readings on collaboration (Mattessich & Johnson book and articles), what resonates most for you — identify your top two (2) lessons learned. Be sure to cite at least two of the readings. 

Part 2(50 pts): In critically thinking about your readings on coalitions (Bobo et al. book and articles) as well as your exploration of the websites (9to5, Showing Up for Racial Justice, Southerners On New Ground and Housing Justice League), what resonates most for you — identify your top two (2) lessons learned. Be sure to use the Bobo chapter on coalitions as one of your citations and discuss the ways in which your website explorations resonate (or not) with the chapter. 

Part 3 (20pts): In considering the social work core values of social justice, the dignity and worth of the individual, and the importance of human relationships, how do your lessons learned align with these core values? 

Required Articles for Part 1 (remaining are attached):…

Required Book Link for Part 2: Bobo, K., Kendall, J., & Max, S. (2010). Organizing for social change: Midwest Academy Manual for Activists

*Note* After signing up (FREE) you will then have viewing access of the pages of the book only review Chapter 6 reading

Websites for Part 2:

Check out the following 4 websites:

  • “About” and “Our Issues” sections; under “Chapters,” check out “Georgia” 
  • “Who We Are” and “What We Do” sections; under “Our Chapters,” check out “Atlanta, GA” 
  • Showing Up for Racial Justice  “Home” and “Learn More” “About Us “ and ”Initiatives”

Humanities Homework Help

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