Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. Commercialization Comprehensive Creation of Virtual Design & Construction Discussion


Starting internally within the company. Creation of Virtual Design and Construction (VDC) Task Force. Will work out of the home office to start designing the software to used on the Microsoft HoloLens (Headset).


2. Once a testable version is usable, send the VDC Task Force to a job site to begin real world testing.


3. Once a stable version has been established from previous testing is made, expand to multiple job sites within the district.


4. Partner with AutoDesk CAD (The company that owns the software where the virtual designs and plans are made). Also partner with Microsoft (The creator of the Hololens). To make the software more robust and ready to expand.


5. Market and sell to other fortune 500 construction companies such as Turner, Clark, etc.

one page paragraph only and above are the ideas

Humanities Homework Help

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