Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. BU WK 7 Maintaining Appropriate Educator Student Relationships Discussion


Jarmyn Wilder

In reviewing and reading the Mississippi Code of Ethics, list two which you feel have most recently (this year) impacted teachers at your school OR list two which are extremely meaningful to you in your daily practice. Explain circumstances which can prevent these ethical issues from occurring. You’ll also want to address which of these have become more important since COVID has changed how teaching ‘looks’.

After reviewing the Mississippi Code of Ethics, I feel that 1.1c Engaging in a variety of individual and collaborative learning
experiences essential to professional development designed to promote student learning which falls under Standard 1: Professional Conduct is extremely meaningful in my daily practice. I also feel that Standard 4: Educator/Student Relationships, 4.1. which states that Ethical conduct includes, but is not limited to, the following: a. Fulfilling the roles of mentor and advocate for students in a professional relationship. A professional relationship is one where the educator maintains a position of teacher/ student authority while expressing concern, empathy, and encouragement for students is very meaningful to my daily practice. I feel that teachers can never stop learning because there is always new ways and new ideas being created to enhance learning. I am just beginning my career as a teacher, so I feel that there is so much for me to learn. This is why I feel that it is important to engage in professional development because these are opportunities to learn and growing as a teacher. I know that as I am learning and growing, my students are as well. It is important to me to build relationships with my students and encourage them in any way that I can. I feel that you never know what students are faced with at home, and as their teacher you play a detrimental role in your life. I want my students to know that I care about them and their education. If professional developments are held during work hours then this could prevent me from attending. There is nothing that can prevent me from building relationships with my students. I think engaging in professional development has become more important since Covid. Teachers are constantly learning new ways to utilize technology and make learning engaging for virtual students.

Amanda Blue

A professional code of ethics outlines teachers’ primary responsibilities to their students and defines their role in a student’s life. Educators must demonstrate impartiality, integrity, and ethical behavior in the classroom, whether virtual or in-person, and in their conduct with parents and coworkers. Teachers should also follow the code of ethics in their personal life outside of work. Breaking these codes can lead to losing your license, being terminated, etc.

Challenges I think teachers face today are:

  • Lack of teamwork, empathy, and support between students.
  • Teachers are being made accountable for more than they should. For instance, I am in the high school setting and parents and students have access to grades and assignments daily via Canvas and PowerSchool. I don’t feel it be necessary to contact parents about a student failing a class. Where is the accountability for students?
  • Not enough time to plan.
  • Dealing with disrespect and defiant behavior from students.

As a special education teacher, it is very important to be discrete when doing inclusion in the classroom. Lately, I have had students come up to me and ask what I teach and how can they be in my class next year. I always responded, ” I teach multiple subjects, I am like a tutor.” This way I don’t embarrass any of my students or label them as SPED students. Confidentiality is an important part of education, not just special education.

Code of Ethics – Standards of Conduct Mississippi. (2021). Retrieved from…

Latoya Williams

I chose to discuss two ethics that are extremely meaningful to me in my daily practice.

Standard 10: Breach of Contract or Abandonment of Employment

An educator should fulfill all the terms and obligations detailed in the contract with the local school board or educational agency for the duration of the contract. I chose this standard because this is my first-year teaching and after about a month I wanted to quit. Being at a school where kids don’t respect you, themselves, or each other was very overwhelming. I prayed and asked God for strength and to help me make things better. I must say that there is improvement day by day and I’m much more comfortable.

Standard 3: Educator/Student Relationships

An educator should always maintain a professional relationship with all students, both in and outside the classroom. I make sure to keep a very professional relationship with all my students. I chose this standard because I am an 8th-grade teacher with a majority of male students. They’re at the age where their young minds are wondering about all sorts of things. These young men say all kinds of inappropriate things and I write them up immediately. It’s a plus that even though I’m in the classroom all classes are recorded, I think this helps me remain safe just in case things were to get twisted. The code of ethics is designed to protect the rights of all students. As long as we live by those ethics they are for our protection as well. Covid has changed many aspects of teaching but as far as the two standards I chose it remains the same.

Code of Ethics – Standards of Conduct Mississippi. (2021). Retrieved from…

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