Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. Basic Listening Skills the Nonverbal Side Discussion

I don’t know how to handle this Psychology question and need guidance.

What are some of the nonverbal examples of basic listening skills that you saw used by the therapist in the video?

So Amanda, what would you like to talk about today?

So I think I told you about Joaquin a couple sessions ago, the guy I’ve been seeing for about five months now. And we’ve got into a huge fight, and we’re basically not talking.

So what happened was the other day, I got picked up from work. He picked me up from work, because I don’t have a car right now, because I can’t afford a car right now. So he picked me up from work, and we went back to his place.

And we ordered food. And he was going to take a shower until the food came. So he hopped in the shower.

And I was waiting for the food to come. And I was starving, because I hadn’t eaten all day, because my boss doesn’t let me to go to lunch. So I was like, when is the food coming.

So I checked on his phone to see when the food was coming. And I see a message in his texts. And I had a feeling. I had some sort of a feeling that it was bad.

So I checked it, and it was from Mila, the girl that is one of his clients who him and I have had a conversation about. And we’ve gone back and forth. And we’ve landed on the agreement that he’s not going to talk to her, because it makes me uncomfortable. Because she’s a female client, and I know that she flirts with him. And it makes me uncomfortable.

And you’ve told him this?

And I’ve told him this.


And we’ve discussed in length about this. And we’ve decided that he’s not allowed to talk to her, because I don’t trust her. So she texted him, and he responds to her. And so he comes out of the shower. And obviously, as you could guess, I’m livid.

You were furious.

Yeah, because I’ve– have told him this makes for uncomfortable. If this person is reaching out to you, let me know. Come to me.


Make me your partner.


Don’t do things behind my back that could be hurtful to me. So he comes out of the shower. And this is maybe where I freaked out on him. And he starts yelling at me, you’re looking through my phone.

And so I threw the phone at him. And I stormed out. And I slammed the door. And I broke his door, which he was obviously mad about.

Well, you were so angry.


You were so hurt.

Yeah, and that’s the hardest part is if you’re in a relationship with someone that– and I get it. I get it. Maybe this isn’t the most rational thought process. But it’s hurtful to me. And yeah, I’ve told him that. And I guess it’s just hurtful that he doesn’t care enough.

So it’s an issue of trust for you. You explained to him how you felt. And he ignored it. And if you hadn’t looked, it would have not even come to your attention.


So you were just feeling that this is unacceptable.


You were so upset.

Yeah. And had he have responded to me in a way that was like, listen, Amanda, calm down. You’re jumping to conclusions.

Right. You needed reassurance.


You wanted him to really care about how you felt.


And you had every right to look at his phone. You were concerned about the food. You were hungry. You wanted the food to come. And he’s acting as if that’s a big violation, whereas he’s the one who violated what you really thought was important.

Yeah. Yeah. And I mean so I’ve–

So what’s going on right now? How are you feeling right at this moment? What feelings are coming up?

I’m feeling like– I don’t know. I guess in a way, silly, because I don’t want to have these types of fights.

Of course not.

I don’t want to talk about this.

Of course not.

And he hasn’t spoken to me for three days. And I’m trying to call him. And I’m trying to apologize, because I get where maybe I jumped the gun. But he won’t even talk to me.

So it’s like how am I supposed to– I don’t know. How am I supposed to apologize if you won’t even talk to me?

Well, we can talk about that and come up with a strategy for you and help you deal with these feelings. So should we put that on the agenda for next time?

Yeah, probably.


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