Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. George Mason University Stakeholder Audience Paper

Stakeholder audience

  • What is a stakeholder?

A stakeholder is a person, group, or organization that has a vested interest in an issue and can affect the issue in some ways.

For Advocacy Letter project, you will need to identify a stakeholder who;

  • Disagrees with you about your issue
  • Holds decision-making authority ( a top position in their organizations or leadership)
  • Why must I disagree with my stakeholder?

The point of disagreement will become the focal point of Advocacy Letter Project and to establish a strong, effective counterargument, you will have to know your stakeholder very well.

Finding the right stakeholder can take time, but the research process of Annotated Bibliography Project will help you refine your issue (inquiry or research question) and your own stance.

  • Before you start, download this file and save it on your computer. When you fill out the table below, submit it into the folder you access this file.

1.Read two articles attached here: Example 1, Example 2

a.While you are reading the article, work with your pair and find all the stakeholders ( persons, groups, organizations) present in the article and their stances toward the issue and fill the table below.

b.The stakeholders are split over the issue into “Pass the bill to increase the federal minimum wage to 15$ by 2025 as President Biden and democrats pledged” or “The minimum wage increase will cost more jobs nationwide and eventually unemployment will rise.”

I advocate for $15 an hour increase

I disagree with $15 an hour increase







President Biden

Pass the bill



(End here)

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