Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. Case Conceptualization Crisis and Suicidal Ideation in Adolescence Discussion

I need a discussion post done. It has to do with assessing suicidal ideation and considering the biopsychosocial method in analysis.

This is for a Clinical Mental Health Counseling class for those studying to become therapists/counselors.

These should help you understand more to write the assignment:…

Please read the following case study and respond.

Julie is a 12 year old female. Her parents have recently divorced. Julie reports she is recently having suicidal ideation.

Please explain if Julie’s suicidal ideation is a natural response to the crisis in her life. Give evidence to the biopsychosocial areas and what treatment would be appropriate.

3-4 substantial paragraphs (4+ sentences each), APA, no cover page needed, at least 2 references.

Humanities Homework Help

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