Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. Part I: Ethics and the Law In your opinion. What types of laws or codes would you turn to first in making an ethical decision? Have you ever personally or professionally found the need to review code or law in order to address an ethical dilemma?

Part I: Ethics and the Law

In your opinion.

  • What types of laws or codes would you turn to first in making an ethical decision? Have you ever personally or professionally found the need to review code or law in order to address an ethical dilemma?

Part II: Using Laws in Decision Making

Apply what you know.

The readings provide an overview of workplace laws and the types of laws often encountered in the healthcare setting, together with a general discussion of how these laws may be used in decision-making. The PYTHON principle is revisited in order to help healthcare professionals potentially lower the risk of liability. Let’s unpack the ethical dilemma(s) presented in the episode as we respond to the following questions. The ethical dilemma that you should focus on in this episode involves the healthcare professionals taking a selfie of a patient who later dies.

This video can be found in a number of areas including Hulu and Fox online. The links below share a summary and transcripts of the episode.

I’ll guide us through. We will discuss the questions as a group, starting with the first question:

  1. Decide with your classmates what is the ethical dilemma(s) presented in this episode?
  2. Discuss who are the stakeholders in this episode? Remember to consider individuals, families, communities, and organizations in your answer.
  3. Come to a consensus on what your recommendations would be for handling the situation? Consider and include each appropriate component below in your response:
    • Ethical principles
    • Ethical theories
    • PYTHON principle
    • Six step process (Doherty & Purtilo) for ethical decision-making
    • Laws pertaining to confidentiality and/or patient rights

Humanities Homework Help

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