Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. COUN 6626 Walden University Psycho Social Intervention Interview Questions

You will complete Part I of the Final Project Worksheet.  The first step is to choose the case study that you plan to utilize in your project. You will notice that some case studies include more than one potential client. For example, in the case of Jim, the 14 year old adolescent, you may opt to focus on the family or the teen. After you identify the case and choose the client, identify one presenting problem or mental health issue for counseling focus.  

Now, put your counselor hat on. You have an identified client and a presenting problem. Where do you go from here? As a counselor, you have an ethical responsibility to provide competent practice. There is an expectation that you will utilize interventions that are supported with empirical research.  So, your next step is to identify an intervention that you would like to use with your client.  For your project, you will investigate current counseling research related to the intervention in order to make an informed decision about evidence based practice. To launch your research, you will formulate a research question to guide your investigation.

To Prepare

  • Review the Final Project Worksheet Part 1 media program found in the Learning Resources for this week
  • Review the Final Project Case Studies found in the Learning Resources for this week and choose one of the four case studies to use for your Final Project. School counselors should choose Case 1 or 2.
  • Consider the case study and identify your client and the mental health issue you will focus on
  • Choose one intervention that you would like to further investigate for possible use with the client

Humanities Homework Help

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