Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. 1500 Word Questionnaire Construct Essay

Write a 1500 word (excluding the reference list) essay describing the steps/procedures involved in the construction of a questionnaire to measure Machiavellianism. The essay should (a) identify and clearly define Machiavellianism, (b) describe how such a questionnaire would be constructed including different tests to assess the reliability and validity of the instrument, and (c) critically consider the strengths and weaknesses of this type of questionnaire for predicting future behaviour or outcomes, and explain how any limitations might be avoided/addressed. Use reliable sources to reference your examples of the different types of validity.

Note: For this assignment you do not have design or produce a questionnaire. Instead, the essay should outline and explain the different stages and procedures involved in designing a valid and reliable questionnaire.

Please use the outline provided and use reliable outside sources (articles) for any examples. The outline has all the questions that need to be answered throughout the essay. The outline also has the first paragraph written.

•You do not have to construct a questionnaire for this essay.

•Simply describe and discuss the different steps in the process, the different decisions that have to be made at each step, the strengths and weaknesses of different options, etc.

•You do not have to make such decisions – you simply have to be aware of them and the pros/cons associated with each decision.

•It is an essay not a report – use standard essay format with paragraphs logically flowing from each other.

•Avoid writing in first person.

•Provide a comprehensive references list.

Humanities Homework Help

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