Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. Oconee Fall Line Technical College First Year Experience Discussion

Please respond to these questions (in no more than a couple of full paragraphs each) using personal examples alongside the information you read in the course’s modules or in Born a Crime.

  1. Find at least one DEI concept (such as inclusion, social location, equity, intersectionality, privilege, etc.) that you now understand differently based on what you’ve learned this semester, and explain how you see it differently now.
    • Where do you see the complications or complexity of that situation?
    • How has your understanding of that idea changed or developed?
  2. Identify one fixed mindset statement you made or thought of earlier in the semester that you would like to change. Note: It might be helpful to review the material you looked at from our first module on Growth Mindset.
    • Why do you want to change this statement?
    • How can you take steps to change this fixed mindset to a growth mindset?
  3. Reflect back on your first semester at Georgia Southern, and answer the following questions.
  • What do you wish you had known when starting this semester to help support your academic success (such as resources, skills, expectations, etc.)?
  • What would you have done differently this semester in terms of campus or community engagement?
  • Did you get involved on campus or in the community outside of your classes? Why or why not?
  • What can you do to be more successful in the coming semesters?

Humanities Homework Help

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