Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. Eastern Kentucky University The African Experience Discussion

  1. GE Assessment–Primary Source EssayRead carefully the primary source documents (provided above): “Alexander Falconbridge’s Account of the Slave Trade” and “William Snelgrave, ‘The Slaves Mutiny’” and write a well-organized essay that analyses the significant historical or contemporary issue, idea, movement, event, institution, or societies it discusses. You should completely address each of the following areas in your paper:
    1. Construct a thesis (central or main argument), using specific details from the primary source (s) document to support that thesis. (Instructor Note: General Education, Clarity of Expression).
    2. Who wrote this document, when was it written, why was it written, and who was the intended audience? What core historical concepts relating to African studies are discussed in this document? Be specific and identify terms and concepts we have learned in the course (Instructor Note: General Education, Comprehension).
    3. Critically analyze the perspectives (unspoken “cultural assumptions”) the author brought to his/her subject. What in the author’s background or experience produced that mindset? (Instructor Note: General Education, Integration).
    4. What does this document reveal about the social, political, economic problems, progress, or promise of African or African American peoples or societies during the period in which it was produced? (Instructor Note: General Education, Perspectives E6).
    5. To what extent does this document debunk or extend the historical or contemporary stereotypes, misconceptions, and misrepresentations about Africans or African-Americans as discussed in class? What is the significance of this document in understanding issues surrounding African or African American peoples and societies?


    • The paper should be 5 pages in length, typewritten, double-spaced and paginated.
    • The paper should have a title.
    • The paper should contain a clear statement of thesis which should be included in the introduction, followed by a narrative that explicates the thesis, concluding with summation or restatement of the thesis.
    • The paper should be free of grammatical, spelling and syntactical errors.
    • The paper should contain at least 4 different quotes from the primary source (s) provided.
    • The paper should avoid plagiarism, whether intentional or unintentional. In general, both ideas and language (wording) taken from another writer must be properly acknowledged and cited (footnoted). Language borrowed from a source must be placed in quotation marks.
    • Use the Chicago Manual of Style, 15th edition. Your Endnotes should be numbered sequentially throughout your paper in Arabic numerals. Numbers must be embedded automatically in the text (i.e. if endnotes are added or deleted the numbers change automatically). To insert endnotes in word: (a) Click where you want to reference in the endnote; (b) On the References tab, select insert Endnote; (c) Enter what you want in the endnote.

    Chicago Style Footnotes:Alexander Falconbridge, “An Account of the Slave Trade,” in Thomas Howard, ed., Black Voyage: Eyewitness Accounts of the Atlantic Slave Trade (Boston: Little, Brown and Company, 1971)William Snelgrave, “The Slaves Mutiny,” in Robert O. Collins, ed., Western African History, Vol. I (Princeton, NJ: Marcus Wiener Publications, 2012)*Alexander Falconbridge article can also be found here: GE ASSSSMENT WRITING RUBRIC

    CRITERIA / SCALE Exceeds Expectations (22.5%-25%) Meets Expectations(20%-22%) Needs Improvement(17.5-19.5%) Inadequate(15%-17%)
    Thesis Thesis and purpose are clear to the reader; closely match the writing task Thesis and purpose are fairly clear and match the writing task Thesis and purpose are somewhat vague OR only loosely related to the writing task Reader cannot determine thesis & purpose OR thesis has no relation to the writing task
    Structure/Organization Paper is logically organized; easily followed; effective, smooth, and logical transitions; professional format; has clear introduction and conclusion Paper has a clear organizational structure with some digressions, ambiguities or irrelevances; easily followed; basic transitions; structured format; has some form of introduction and conclusion There is some level of organization though digressions, ambiguities, irrelevances are too many; difficult to follow; ineffective transitions; rambling format; vague introduction and conclusion There is no apparent organization to the paper; difficult to follow; no or poor transitions; no format; no introduction or conclusion
    Use of Sources/ Documentation Uses sources to support, extend, and inform, but not substitute writer’s own development of idea. Combines material from a variety of sources. Doesn’t overuse quotes; conforms to Chicago style manual Uses sources to support, extend, and inform, but not substitute writer’s own development of idea. Doesn’t overuse quotes, but may not always conform to required style manual Uses relevant sources but lacks the skillful combination of sources; quotations & paraphrases may be too long and/or inconsistently referenced Neglects important sources. Overuse of quotations or paraphrase to substitute writer’s own ideas. (Possibly uses source material without acknowledgement)
    Sentence Structure, Grammar, Mechanics, & Spelling All sentences are well constructed and have varied structure and length. The author makes no errors in grammar, mechanics, and/or spelling. Most sentences are well constructed and have varied structure and length. The author makes a few errors in grammar, mechanics, and/or spelling, but they do not interfere with understanding Most sentences are well constructed, but they have a similar structure and/or length. The author makes several errors in grammar, mechanics, and/or spelling that interfere with understanding. Sentences sound awkward, are distractingly repetitive, or are difficult to understand. The author makes numerous errors in grammar, mechanics, and/or spelling that interfere with understanding.

    William Snelgrave, The Slaves Mutiny.pdf
    Alexander Falconbridge.pdf

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