Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. Create a 2 page recommendation

For this assignment you will Create a 2 page recommendation based on my reflection pos tbelow:

Identify 40 facts from the information below and make40 recommendations, and explain why you chose the recommendations that include the information below:

Thinking About the Course.

For me, I can say the contents of this course have been informative, thought-provoking, and research demanding. I have really enjoyed the experience since I was able to identify a problem for my capstone “Low academic expectations and poor support for special education students are ‘hurting their future’. I was able to come up with solutions, intervention, and evaluation plan for the problem .I have been exposed to various research aimed at improving the learning of special education students and their welfare in general. The course, therefore, has been enriching and profitable for me.

To excel in my course, I realized that I needed to be more committed and dedicated to the course since it needed a lot of reading and research. I, therefore, had to manage my time properly to ensure that I allocated more time to studies and personal research. Sacrificing most of my free time was the order of the day, and that allowed me to cover more in terms of reading to acquire more knowledge about the course contents.

The various lessons I learned in this course took me through a change in my personal growth. In that case, my knowledge inresearch increased ,and allowed me to evaluate needs, make inquiries, analyze data, and make decisions. I acquired new skills, which has boosted my inter-relationship skills with my students and fellow colleagues (Vulliamy, 2018). The change was successful since I find it beneficial to me while I am discharging my duties in my daily life. I am now able to relate well with people and have a good experience with them.

While enrolled inthe course, Ilearnedhow to identify a problem, come up with solutions, intervention, and evaluation plan. I improved myinteraction with special education students andI will deliver quality education while serving them, and I feel I achieved that because, in my current practice, I have had a healthy relationship with my students accompanied with excellent performance.

I met the program outcomes becauseI generated new knowledge, and research, and I was also able tolocate specific data around my problem to support mysolution, evaluate needs, make inquiries, analyze data, and make decisions, which can lead to beneficial outcomes in the educational setting.

My general thoughts are that if the problem is researched, given a solution, intervention, and an evaluation plan, which can be effective, than special education students can succeed. I Recommend thatthe capstone project identify possible solutions to your chosen issue/problem or determine if you need to do more research. Your solutionsshould be based your particular area of interest, your problem statement, and your literature review. Based on these items, you may find a solution to be an intervention like an organizational change initiative, training, or a classroom based project.

I recommendadvancing knowledge and improve practice by engaging in research or demonstrating problem solving abilities based in theoretical knowledge.

I recommend teachersbe trained in providingservices tostudents with disabilities, which will make a difference, and utilize strategies that are appropriate for the students.

I recommend high expectations, accommodationsto assist student learning to overcome the impact of their disability.

I recommendteacherstart believingin the students and teach them accordingly, then students can succeed.

I also recommendparents to alsostart believing in their children, getinvolved ,and set high expectations than their child can succeed.


Alternatively, you may find that there is not yet enough research to solve for the problem and your project for this course may be the design of a research project that will assist in answering questions about the problem itself. Please keep this options in mind as you start to go through the course and don’t hesitate to contact your faculty to talk through potential solutions.

The teachers level of expectation of students and belief in the student being successful can be significant on whether students are successful or not. If there are high expectations, accomodations, provided to asssist student learning to overcome the imact of their disabiltiy, and a teacher which believes in the students and teaches accordingly, then students can succeed.

I think there can and needs to be stregthening of law regarding quality education for students with disabilities, and the key though is for teachers to be trained well for providing the individualized educational services which will maximize the stduents learning. That can help make a tremendous difference, utilizing strategies that are tailored for the students.

Educators must develop a profound understanding of the theories that undergird education and the fundamental strategies to meet the needs of all students. It is never too late for educators to focus on continuous quality improvement and the advancement of knowledge. Two of the ways we advance knowledge and improve practice is by engaging in research or demonstrating problem solving abilities based in theoretical knowledge


Vulliamy, G., & Webb, R. (Eds.). (2018). Teacher research and special education needs (Vol. 58). Routledge.

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