Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. disussion

(at least two full pages of memoir in APA or MLA format)

(at least 200 words each)

Please post your rough draft of your Memoir here. Your rough draft should be attached to your post as either a Microsoft Word document or as a PDF. While you are only required to submit two full pages of your draft for review, the more complete your draft is, the more feedback you will get.

Keep in mind that I will not be commenting on your drafts. Instead this is your opportunity to share your ideas, strategies, and content with one another in an effort to not only write better essays, but also to help build a sense of community in our classroom.

If you have specific questions about your rough draft, or if you need help with a certain section of your essay, please let me know via email or schedule a conference. I am happy to help!

Peer Reviews

In order be eligible for full credit for this discussion, you must respond to at least two classmates’ rough drafts with a thorough peer review. This peer review must address the following:

  • What does the memoir do well?
  • Is the topic and scope appropriate for this situation?
  • Is it coherent and cohesive?
  • Is the memoir interesting, with vivid descriptive passages and sharp details?
  • Has the author used the memoir in a way so that appropriate details are presented for this new writing situation?
  • Does the author avoid clichés and stilted sentence structures and phrasing?
  • Are grammar problems few enough and insignificant enough that they don’t get in the way of understanding?

Humanities Homework Help

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