Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. Bio-Psycho-Social-Spiritual Case Formulation

Objective: The objective of this assignment is for the student to demonstrate the ability to organize and describe case material in a professional, non-judgmental, and concise format.

Assignment: The student should identify a case, either from their field work or some other helping role to use for the paper. A brief bio-psycho-social-spiritual summary of the case should be provided that includes the presenting problem of the case as if it were being placed in a medical chart (see outline on the next page). Using some of the examples used in class as a guide the student should write up a case formulation in a narrative form (NOT handed in a completed chart). This assignment should be between 3-5 pages.

Grading Criteria: The student has Possible Pts.

Thoroughly addressed each of the elements in the provided outline. 50

Used person-first language throughout the assessment. 10

Used non-judgmental language throughout the assessment. 10

The paper is professionally organized and written. 10

The student has situated the client(s)’ issues within the current socio-political

context, considering issues of oppression, marginalization, discrimination, and any

other social factors that might influence development or how the client is

perceived. 10

The presenting issue is clearly described in behavioral, measurable, specific terms,

including duration, frequency, intensity, and any other information that paints a

picture of the main issue. 10


Humanities Homework Help

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