Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. College of Central Florida Christian Faith and Islamic Traditions Essay

Professor explanation:

You are required to submit 2 separate papers of 1000 words in length (each approximately 4 pages typed and double-spaced).
One of these papers can be based on your own spiritual journey…basically, writing about how you were raised when it came to religious beliefs, events in your life that have impacted what you believe, and how you would describe your beliefs today. This paper does not require any sources, because it is your own story (so it should be in your own words). This faith journey paper is not required but is relatively easy to write.
The second paper (or both papers if you choose not to write about your own faith journey) must be a research paper on a tradition other than your own. Research papers must show a minimum of 3 sources, only one of which can be from an online site.  Citations within the body of the paper itself are needed, as well as a Works Cited page. Neither our textbook or works of scripture qualify as sources you can use for your research papers.
Keep in mind that no more than one paper can be written about one broad faith tradition. So, as an example, if you write your personal faith journey about yourself and you are a Hindu, the second paper must be on a non-Hindu faith. If you write your faith journey and you are a Christian, the second paper must be on a non-Christian faith. Be sure to ask me if you need clarification on this! 

Humanities Homework Help

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