Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. University of California San Diego Persuasion Attempts Conditions Discussion

I’m working on a psychology question and need guidance to help me learn.

Here is your REQUIRED discussion board prompt (2 points):

1. We are constantly bombarded with persuasion attempts to get us to buy specific products, to support/oppose certain issues, and to vote for a particular candidate. Are there certain conditions under which you are more or less likely to process those messages systematically or heuristically? Briefly reflect on those conditions and when you are more likely to engage in one process over the other.

Here is your EXTRA CREDIT discussion board prompt (1 point):

1. Now that we are approaching the halfway point in the semester, have you had any challenges you had to face that made it more difficult to keep up with your school work? If so, what have they been and how have you dealt with them?

Please submit your comment(s) as a “REPLY” to this post. Make sure to LABEL (i.e., REQ. OR EXTRA) your comments so I can easily see them.

Humanities Homework Help

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