Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. can anyone help me with my philo homework?


  1. Kant is well known for his epistemology and other ideas concerning philosophy. In part 1 expound on at least four epistemological concepts including what Kant means by phenomena, noumena, and things-in-themselves. (Number your points 1-4. Spend 2-3 sentences on each point.)
  2. In part 2 give your own views on the 4 Kantian terms you mentioned in part 1. (Number your points 1-4. Spend 2-3 sentences on each point.)


  1. In part 1 discuss at least 4 points about how Kant synthesized Continental rationalism and British Empiricism. (Number your points 1-4. Spend 2-3 sentences on each point.)
  2. In part 2 give your views on each of the points your raised in your first paragraph. (Number your points 1-4. Spend 2-3 sentences on each point.)

Humanities Homework Help

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