Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. virtual field trip assignment read instructions below


  • The intention of this Virtual Field Trip assignment is to learn experientially by virtually visiting a renowned site, place in nature, museum, or spiritual service, of your choosing, and connect that experience with concepts in the discipline of philosophy, your own life experience and/or a contemporary issue.


  • Define and explain philosophical vocabulary and concepts as they relate to experiential learning of the Virtual Field Trip assignment
  • Articulate the relevance of philosophical concepts to lived experience and social and political contemporary issues
  • Expand awareness of global citizenship through exposure to cultures, backgrounds, and customs other than one’s own
  • Cultivate creativity by developing an original response to the Virtual Field Trip assignment through photos, journal entries, music, poetry and other modes of thinking “outside the box.”


  • How can we derive the benefits of a field trip and stay safe during a pandemic? Let’s get creative! Enter the Virtual Field Trip.You will find an example of a Virtual Field Trip ( from my own experience) below:

First : Choose a field trip to experience virtually!

Many spiritual centers and museums have online components available because of the pandemic. Here are some links to websites to get you started:

Second, compose a post about your Virtual Field Trip.

  • Organize your post using the following points:
    • Point 1: Description of your field trip visit and why you choose it
    • Point 2: How the field trip related to four philosophical concepts. Use numbers to 1-4 to delineate four points of connection to the philosophy of religion course.) Spend 2-3 sentences on each point.
    • Point 3: The impact of your visit on you personally or how it relates to a contemporary issue
    • Point 4: Include a creative expression of your field trip (such as photographs, a poem or journal entry, a video statement, some musical expression related to a response to your visit.


Frequently Asked Questions

  • How can I get maximum points for the assignment? Concentrate on Part 2 of the assignment, which has you link the field trip to concepts in philosophy.
  • What if the virtual field trip I’d like to do is not on the list of links? I empower you to choose a field trip that you think would expand your horizons and be that you can relate to philosophical concepts.
  • If the virtual field trip is not on the list do I need the professor’s permission to proceed? Nope. I trust your judgment.
  • Can I use a trip that I took last summer when I was in Europe? No, the field trip needs to take place in the semester of this course.

Humanities Homework Help

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