Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. Rutgers University Appreciation of Cultural and Social Differences Discussion

Social cultural issues abound in society and as it would follow, in sport as well.  Not talking about issues will only lead to a continuation of the same issues.  Some people find it very difficult to have a conversation about sociocultural issues.  Some people are completely unaware as to why certain behaviors of theirs are considered issues.  Some people say they treat everyone the same which means they are not taking into account each person is their own unique individual.  The purpose of this assignment is to assist you with being aware of the (proposed) stages of sociocultural competence for coaches, which can be generalized to other professions/populations.  The assignment asks for you to find/give examples of behavior for each of the stages of sociocultural competence so you can better understand where someone else is on the continuum as well as  where you may be on this continuum (self awareness is key for growth).  You Do Not have to give examples of yourself and can consider your journey to sociocultural competence to be your own.  I encourage you to be honest with yourself and understand that before you can effectively work with others, you need to understand yourself.  This assignment is not graded on your self disclosure, but rather on your meeting the contextual needs and directives of the assignment itself.  Enjoy your journey.  

  • View:  Sports journalists stereotype athletes by race — and we do too | Pat Ferrucci | TEDxMileHigh 15:48

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  • Focus on pages 26-28 of “Sociocultural Competencies for Sport Coaches: A Proposal for Coaches and Coach Education” is a table describing the  Sociocultural Competence for Sport Coaches Continuum.   For each of the 6 stages, give an example of what a coach’s behavior may be if they were in that given stage.  You only need to give one example per stage.  

Stage 1: Sociocultural Destructiveness

Stage 2: Sociocultural Incapacity

  Stage 3: Sociocultural Blindness

  Stage 4: Sociocultural Precompetence

   Stage 5: Basic Sociocultural Competence

  Stage 6: Advanced Sociocultural Competence

  • Write a brief reflection giving your thoughts about sociocultural issues.

Humanities Homework Help

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