Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. LIT 2000 Florida SouthWestern State College Barn Burning Literature Essay

Barn Burning quick summary

One of the central conflicts in this story revolves around the relationship between Sarty and his father. Sarty’s father has a habit of burning down barns belonging to his landlords. He wants Sarty to lie for him in court. Sarty knows that what his father is asking him to do is wrong, but he feels he must be loyal to his family even though this goes against his own values.

Have you ever been in a situation like this where you had to choose between betraying someone you cared about and being true to yourself? What did you choose? Why?

  • For this essay, you will begin by summarizing the story making sure you discuss the choice that Sarty made and why he made this choice.
  • In the second part of the essay, you will discuss the time when you had to make such a choice drawing parallels between your conflict and Sarty’s conflict.

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