Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. Glendale Community College Family and Intimate Relationships Essay

Pick one to two themes that you want to examine in your family (such as marriage, divorce, cohabitation, parenting, child wellbeing). Examine this theme across at least two generations in your family (such as your parents and your grandparents, your generation (older cousins) and your parents/grandparents). Describe the trend across both generations and discuss why you think it has occurred. Do you expect your experience to be different? Why or why not? 

In your paper, be sure to address the following:

How does your family’s experience relate to broader trends in the family that we have discussed in class?

How has your family’s position in the social structure (such as, race, social class, neighborhood) influenced the trends you are discussing?

  • How do you think your experiences will be similar or different to what you have seen in your family?
  • The assignment should be four to five pages in length, double-spaced, with 12-point Times New Roman font, one-inch margins, and proper citations (both within the text and with a ‘works cited’ or ‘references’ section). At a minimum, your paper must include the following: (1) a clear introductory paragraph with a thesis statement, (2) body paragraphs that support and extend your thesis statement, and (3) a concluding paragraph that summarizes what you have discussed. Additionally, you must use three resources from outside of class. These resources must be from academic journals (not newspapers or magazines). You may use APA, but please be consistent throughout the paper. The ‘works cited’ section does not count toward the page limit. You will be graded on your ability to prove your main argument or thesis. You will also be graded on spelling and grammar, as incorrect usage can inhibit your ability to communicate your ideas. Put your last name and student ID number on all pages and number your pages.
  • Writing Assignment

Writing Assignment


Follows “big” directions.

This includes examining the theme across at least two generations and attempting to answer the three questions posed in the assignment guidelines: (1) relating of family’s trends to broader experiences, (2) family’s position in the social structure (can’t just talk about family as isolated in vacuum; need to locate within larger structural forces; geography, class, immigration; acknowledge things going on larger than family), and (3) expectation of similar or different experiences for themselves.

Humanities Homework Help

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