Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. TFM 160 Cinema as Art Functions of Sound in Mad Max Fury Road Essay

Chapter 9 My Movie Log #1 “Functions of Sound in Mad Max: Fury Road” 

My Movie Log #1 Prompt

Consider the seven (7) functions of sound explored in your reading and in this unit’s lectures.  

As you watch Mad Max: Fury Road, be observant of how sound is used.  For this journal, choose two (2) functions of sound (your choice) and write a mini-sound analysis of Mad Max: Fury Road, using clear examples from the feature film.

The format for this journal entry will be in two (2) paragraphs (target 150 words each).  One paragraph for each of the two functions of sound you selected. For each paragraph:

  1. Briefly describe the function, using your own words. 
  2. Explain how sound in Mad Max: Fury Road serves this function; and, use at least two (2) specific examples of sound from the movie to support your analysis.

My Movie Log #2 Prompt

In this unit on sound, we are learning about the sources of sound (i.e. where the sound is coming from) in the shot/sequence of analysis.  The three pairings we are using:

  • Diegetic/nondiegetic sounds
  • On-screen/offscreen sounds
  • Internal/external sounds

Explore each of these pairings in a mini-analysis using Mad Max: Fury Road.  

Your journal entry should be formatted in three paragraphs (150 words each). For each paragraph:

  1. Briefly describe the specific pairing (in your own words). For example, describe diegetic sound and non-diegetic sound in your own words.
  2. Give one specific example of a sound/sound effect in Mad Max: Fury Road that illustrates each of the terms.  For example, specify a sound/sound effect in your selected feature film that you believe is a diegetic sound. And another sound/sound effect you believe is a nondiegetic sound.  Be sure to “set the scene/moment” in the movie so that the reader understands the moment you are referencing in the movie.  The two examples do not need to be within the same shot/sequence.

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