Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. PSY 353E Singapore University Social Sciences & Positive Psychology Presentation

For students who are unable to attend Seminar 3 (Face-to-Face or Zoom Session)

Part 1: Individual PowerPoint Presentation (20 marks)

a) If you are unable to turn up for the group presentation during Seminar 3, please note that you are required to review and discuss the questions in ALL the collaborative activities shared during Seminar 3 and submit an individual PowerPoint presentation.

b) The presentation should examine all the FIVE collaborative activities shared during Seminar 3. It should be submitted in PowerPoint format (*.ppt or *.pptx) and should demonstrate additional information or research relevant to the collaborative activities. The PowerPoint presentation should consist of 20 slides (excluding the cover slide and references).

– Firstly, use the templated titled “Science of Happiness” as a template.

– Secondly, refer to the slides attached titled “PSY353e_Jan21_Seminar 3” and refer to slide 8 onwards for the instructions.

– Lastly for other instructions such as reference and marking criteria, please refer to the last document attached.

Humanities Homework Help

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