Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. i need help on in my Discussion Board Post (Dr. King)

1.4 Discussion Board Post (Dr. King)

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Task: Please watch and read Dr. King’s “Letter from a Birmingham Jail” and annotate looking for Thesis, Claims, Evidence (supports claims) and Rhetorical Strategies. This is in my opinion, one of the most effective rehtorical writings in America. Dr. King uses almost all of the rhetorical strategies on our class handout.

Post Due 10/16 and worth 15 points (Links to an external site.)

1- Please listen to the commentary (we will be using its content this week) and listen the speech being read and follow along in the written speech.

2- While you read, please look for and annotate:

The Thesis: What is the purpose of the speech?

Claims: Please identify THREE main points the author makes to support the thesis

Evidence: Each claim with have a piece of evidence (specific example) the speaker uses to support the claim

Rhetorical Strategy: Looking at the Ethos Logos Pathos Handout decide on a strategy (there is more than one option and no one right answer) With Dr, King often times it is how he says something (use of language and tone) more than his specific evidence – consider this too

Bullet Points Only (no paragraphs necessary)

Claim 1


Strategy (remember not the appeal but the strategy – in the columns)

Claim 2



Claim 3



Due 10/18 10points

3 – Finally, (in paragraph form) Please enter into conversation with one of the comment(s )made by the readers. (individuals reading and commenting on the speech) 50 word minimum


  • Expanding on a comment or claim made by one of the readers
  • Agreeing or disagreeing with a comment made by a reader
  • If you could expand on a point made by a reader what would you say and why
  • Anything else you want to explore

Humanities Homework Help

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