Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. INTL 471 NZU Political Science Understanding Cultural Experiences Exercises

1. Ultimately, the goal is for you to complete 10 exercises from Jackson (attached)

working about 20 minutes per exercise.

2. You may choose from ANY of the attached activities,

3. Please read the task, settle in and then read and write for not more than 20


4. This completes ONE activity. Please till in the attached template to document

Which activilies you have done

Tach Extra Assignment takes MORE than 20 minutes to complete. BUT!

YOU ONLY NERD to write for 20 minutes, When 20 minutes are upEnculturation: language and sense of belonging

The process of learning one’s culture is referred to as enculturation. The excerpt

below describes the linkage between language, culture and sense of belonging

through the eyes of a 20-year-old Hong Kong Chinese student.

1. Rend the excerpt carefully and identify any words or expressions that stand

out. What ideas are conveyed through her word choice?

2. How would you define this young woman’s *ingroup”?

3. How did the notion of her ingroup take shape and what impact is it having on

how she views people who are not ingroup members?

What are the benefits and dangers of ingroups?

5. Reflect on your own language and cultural socialization, How would you

define your ingroup? How does it impact on your attitude towards and

perceptions of outgroups

Humanities Homework Help

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