Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. CSULA Digital Platforms Mc Namee and Noble Paper

In a nutshell (for those who don’t want a detailed explanation!):

Read McNamee and Noble. Think about how they are the same and/or different. One example is fine. Write down the example. Explain it. Give a quoted or paraphrased example of when it comes up in both readings (therefore, you must have one quote or paraphrase from each). Be specific. End with an important final thought or interesting question for the reader. Paragraph how you wish. 12pt. font, Times New Roman. 500 words. Include the Word Count.

Full explanation (for those who like a lot of detail!):


You’ll find good parallels between Noble and McNamee regarding the ways in which digital platforms create biases and influence they ways that information is received and/or understood. Please draw on a specific similarity, difference or combination between the two readings, and discuss the significance. Remember that you must include an example of evidence from each, and analyze that evidence.

Your task here is not to compare and contrast Noble and McNamee. (Meaning, you are not merely going back and forth between the two and illustrating a he-said, she-said type scenario). Your job here is to try to theorize a point, using these class texts to help you raise concepts/ideas/theories to think with. With the concepts, quotes, and examples you bring in, remember to be selective. They are “representative” pieces of evidence that help you present a thoughtful discussion to your readers.

By the end, leave readers with a hunch or theory. You may also end your response with a guiding question that leaves you and your readers thinking about this topic.

Humanities Homework Help

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