Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. Short Paper 400-600 words Philosophy

Short Paper 400-600 words


Select one of the following topics: abortion, active euthanasia, cloning, the death penalty, animal testing, eating of animals, making marijuana legal, affirmative action, torturing terrorists for information, or pre-emptive war to destroy a country’s weapons of mass destruction.

Use in critical analysis, reasoning, and writing. As with all your submissions, proper grammar, syntax, diction, structure, and related considerations are imperative and necessary. 

First, state your thesis–the view on the issue you want to persuade us is correct.  For instance, I believe the death penalty should be illegal because…..

Second,  articulate a deductive argument or argument from analogy in support of your position (label all premises 1, 2, 3, etc.  and note the conclusion after: Therefore,…)

Third, articulate an objection to your position and argument.

Fourth, rebut that specific objection and explain why your position holds despite it.

This should be done in approximately 400-600 words.  But if you can do it in less words, that is fine. 

Humanities Homework Help

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