Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. Best Practice Search

Discussion: Best practice search – your findings

With Bardach’s advice in mind (Part III), conduct a literature search for information about policies and practices that address your problem or similar problems. Use the techniques that were demonstrated..

**** Summarize your findings with respect to “best” practices and their results. List complete citations for the sources you consult******

Attached E-Book PART III page 109- 123 to skim over for content mentioned above.

Basically need a few examples of policies and or practices that are already implemented that pertain to my topic of reducing recidivism or something similar that would work to this effect that some other area has previously used and its proven to be successful. Some examples of things might include: mental illness (what current things exist that have proven to work for people that suffer from mental illness, similar to what inmates might be going through that currently contributes to recidivism), maybe something exists for individuals trying to get back into society and the workforce that inmates might face when they are released (suggestion was to search PACE, Inc. program- Public Advocates in Community Re-Entry), etc.

Again, i need this by 11pm EST. (about 7 hours) let me know if this is doable. I allotted about 2.5 for the brief research on a couple topics and th writing. Let me know if you need 3 or if you are even available for this!


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