Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. Psychology Question

Now that you have had a little time to reflect on the content of the film “Skin Deep”, you have an opportunity to weigh in with your feelings and sentiments. We’d like you to do two things. First, though the film was made a number of years ago, there are many ways in which it is still relevant today. Start by commenting on what, if anything, you believe may be dated in the film and what you believe still has real significance today. Second, please share immediate reactions you remember having had to the film itself, whether any of the students’ views and messages resonated with you on a personal level, and/or ways you might be thinking differently about the issues discussed now that you have had a little time to reflect further on the video. Your post can be as long or short as you would like.

After you make your main post, read and reply to at least one of your classmates’ posts. Multiple replies welcome and encouraged. Dr. McHale and the teaching assistants will also be reading your posts. Remember, when responding to what a classmate wrote your post should not criticize or derogate that classmate’s point of view, but instead just offer your own perspective relevant to the issue that they commented on. As always, be respectful and use the exercise as a learning opportunity to help connect with others.

This is not a requirement, but if you decide to post, you can earn up to 2 extra credit points for sharing your thoughts and feelings about the video and the issues it raised for you. Please complete and post the assignment no later than 11:59 PM on March 29th.

Humanities Homework Help

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