Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. If there is one inviolable truth about the International System, it is that two different actors can look at the same issue and have widely varying perspectives on its causes, scope, and potential solutions. Each fall the United Nations holds a General De

If there is one inviolable truth about the International System, it is that two different actors can look at the same issue and have widely varying perspectives on its causes, scope, and potential solutions. Each fall the United Nations holds a General Debate where representatives of member-states give their perspectives on the problems confronting the international system. For this assignment you are to watch/listen to the 2019 General Debate speeches of the representatives of the United States and China. Which of these ‘Superpowers’ makes a more compelling case? Your (minimum) 250 word original post must be posted by Tuesday, February 18, 2020 at 8 pm Pacific Time. Additionally, you are to post (minimum) 100-word responses to at least three of your classmates by Thursday, February 20, 2020 at 8pm Pacific Time.

2019 United Nations General Debate United States of America (Links to an external site.)

2019 United Nations General Debate People’s Republic of China

Humanities Homework Help

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