Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. Mythology Take home test

Just make sure you provide examples/support for what you say.

NB:this doesn’t mean you should include a bibliography or that you should cite items, only that you should give me specific details to support whatever you say.If you want to do those things, however, you’re more than welcome to.

Part I:Short Written Answers – 20 marks

Answer two of the following three questions, each of which is worth 10 marks.Use complete sentences.

1.You’ve moved to Toronto, and live on the 77th floor of the 78 floor Aura Tower, the tallest residential building in Canada.Although you love your condo, your upstairs neighbour is loud, obnoxious, and unfriendly.You don’t want to move, and your attempts to evict them through the building’s management company have failed, so you have decided to take matters into your own hands.You go on kijiji, or Facebook marketplace, to find “revenge” services; four stand out.They are:Medea’s revenge service; Eurystheus’ revenge service; Clytemnestra’s revenge service; and Herakles’ revenge service.Which one would you pick and why?Answer by explaining why you have chosen the individual, what their particular form of revenge would be, and why it suits your particular situation, all while staying true to the world of myth.You might also consider why you didn’t pick the other services.(10 marks)

2.What seems like a lifetime ago, Patrick Laine scored five goals in one game and the Winnipeg Jets seemed to be on the up and up.Flash forward to today:the Covid-19 crisis hasn’t happened, and the captain Blake Wheeler’s been injured and you as Paul Maurice, the Jets’ coach, need to find a quick replacement to prevent a precipitous slide to the bottom of the league.There are no minor or major league options available anywhere in the world, but five figures from myth have been transported to twenty-first century Winnipeg and are ready to take up a leadership position on the team (it turns out too that they are quick learners, at least when it comes to acquiring skating and stick skills).Those five potential players are:Atalanta, Gilgamesh, Jason, Odysseus, and Theseus.Who would you choose to be the Jets’ new captain and why?Your choices should be based on the characteristics and deeds of those known figures from myth, and you’re also welcome to explain why you didn’t select the other players.(10 marks)

3. In a parallel world, where the classical world included the Americas as well as much of Europe, North Africa, and parts of Asia, you are the lesser known god of Winnipeg, “Golden Boy”, and pirates, far away, have sacked your temple in the very southern tip of the Peloponnesos.To get vengeance, you have decided to put together a group of elite heroes from classical myth who will be tasked with acting on your behalf.Which five figures would you choose and why?Note that those figures, though magically transported to Winnipeg from the ancient Mediterranean to meet with you at the start, will be setting out from Winnipeg itself the old-fashioned way, and so it might be worth considering those with some experience with long journeys using the available (in the world of classical myth) technology.Your choices should be based on the characteristics and deeds of those known figures from myth.(10 marks)

Part II:Short Description – 15 marks

Please provide a description and explanation of your plan (1.5-2 pages, single spaced – NO MORE) for one of the following two topics.Make sure to give specific examples from your course materials (textbooks, lecture notes/slides, videos) to do the descriptions.

1.You are the lead of a video game development company, and you’ve been tasked with coming up with a new 3-game series, with each game focused on the adventures of one Olympian deity.Provide the name of each of your three intended games and a very brief description of each one.Be sure your descriptions address the following questions:which three Olympians did you pick for each game and why?What tasks will the Olympians set for the player?What is their ultimate goal?Remember too that the three games have to tie into each other, so be sure to explain how each one flows into the other.

2.You have been hired as the writer for a new 6-part television series to be aired on Netflix centred on the lives and experiences of the Olympians.Provide the name of each episode and a very brief description of each one by addressing the following questions:which theme/s will run through the series?Will you leave scope for any spin-off series? Will you focus on any specific deities and why?Will humans play a part?You also need to assume that each episode will build on the previous one – in other words, they cannot be standalone episodes.

Part III:Short Essay – 20 marks

Please write one short essays (2.5-3 pages, single spaced – NO MORE) . Make sure to give specific examples from your course materials (textbooks, lecture notes/slides, videos) as you complete the essays.

1.Is Odysseus to blame for any of the bad things that happen to him in the Odyssey?Why or why not?

Humanities Homework Help

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