Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. Is technology a gift or a curse?

For this paper, each student will write an opinion essay answering the following question: Is technology a gift or a curse to society? Each paper must include concepts or theories from previous lecture discussions to help shape your responses. For instance, technology is a curse because it stratifies people into groups or creates a cultural divide as seen in education. If used, you the author will need to articulate your understanding of this sociological concept in the paper by providing an example or evidence of your comprehension.

Please PROOFREAD all papers before before submitting and remember, if it is not yours then cite your sources.

Previous lecture theories (Freud’s Psychoanalysis Theory, Charles Horton Cooley’s Looking Glass Self, Mead’s Mind, Self, and Society, Goffman’s Dramaturgy) It’s more, just let me know if you need my assistance on if their a theory we discuss.

Humanities Homework Help

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