Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. Select your least favorite criminological theory

Select your least favorite criminological theory (from the theories that we studied this semester). You should select a theory that you think is unable to explain criminal behavior as well as other (alternative) theories. Consider the reasons you disagree with this theory or think that it is inferior to other theories. (I strongly suggest jotting down notes as you brainstorm the reasons you do not like the theory). In a 4 page paper, summarize the basic tenets of the theory and clearly state and explain your position on the theory. Provide logical reasons, examples, and evidence to support your position. You might include examples of situations in which the theory does not work. You might reference crime statistics that do not fit with what the theory would predict. I am mainly looking for you to support your position with valid criticisms of the theory.

My least favorite was Biosocial and Trait Theory.

Humanities Homework Help

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