Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. Art Question

This assignment asks you to look closely and carefully at a work of art made by a non-Western artist from any time period and to consider this work of art in the context of the geographical location and historical time period in which it was made. In order to complete this assignment successfully, you will need to focus your attention on ONE work of art made by a non-Western artist.

For this assignment, you are asked to write as an art historian, giving careful attention to the work of art as a material object and to its meaning in relation to the historical and social context in which it was made. Please include with your paper an illustration of the work of art you’re writing about.

Step 1: View online the collections, exhibits, and works of non-Western art available in your textbook and online. The following are examples of museum websites you may wish to browse:

National Museum of African Art; National Museum of American Indian Art ; The Metropolitan Museum of Art, Oceanic Art Collection

Step 2: Set a timer and CAREFULLY look at your selected work of art for a minimum of 3 minutes.

Step 3: Consider the historical context.

  • What is the time period in which this work was made? What is the cultural background of the artist/maker? What is the content/subject matter of this work of art? Does this work have a specific function? What are the larger social, political, and/or environmental events of the time period that may be informing the subject of this work of art?

Step 4: Imagery, materials, and formal elements.

Step 5: Analysis

You may wish to seek additional information about this work of art and the artist who made it. You may also wish to compare this work of art to other examples; please feel free to refer to specific works in our course texts or other relevant works of art. Please be sure to cite your sources, even if you do not quote from them directly. Your essay should be two to three pages in length (double-spaced, 12-point). Essays are DUE to BLACKBOARD by Wed MARCH 3th 11:59pm.

Humanities Homework Help

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