Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. Reading Journal 3

-The reading materials:

1) Kahlenberg ( attached(


3) Irby-The School Discipline Net Framework Essay D Irby.

The Reading Journal has three sections – Summary, Significant Takeaways (I want 3), and Questions.

  • Brief summary of the reading assignment. ( try to take out the important facts that the author is bringing to the table.)
  • Three most significant takeaways from the readings
  • Questions where you list any questions this reading or video suggested to you

Including 3 materials, I want you to write a brief summary of each reading and chapter as separate paragraphs under the broad section called “Summary. This will be followed by “Significant Takeaways”, where you can put 3 main things that intrigued you from the readings. So, while reading all the chapters, what did you find 3 most interesting, surprising, or baffling information that you would like to share with me. Similarly, the third section “Questions” – What questions came to your mind when you were reading these chapters?

Humanities Homework Help

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