Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. BASIC History 105 FINAL EXAM

The file I attached below is full version of requirement for HS 105 class FINAL EXAM. English is my second language so the paper doesn’t need to be fancy, just need to answer 3 questions fully, minimum 6 pages for the whole paper. I expect grade B- is enough. You have time from now to Dec. 17 to finish (11 days) and I’ll review it, if I need any edit you will have 2 more days to do. I do rate tutor 5 stars and tip good if you do a good job, and give you good amount of time so please take your time to finish my paper AND SAVE MY COLLEGE PLEASE! I use ebook so I will you account to use them for this paper. Any question, let me know! Thank you.


Write separate essays for three of these questions. No outside sources allowed, use only information from our assigned readings and class materials, cited in parenthesis when necessary. Each essay is required to have citations and should have a thesis, intro, body and conclusion. Each essay should be 2-4 full pages in length, double-spaced and in 12-point font.

1. Describe three of the events in the Unit 7 materials about the expansion of the United States prior to the Civil War. To tie your essay together, include the greater historical context for each event by relating it to the concept of Manifest Destiny. Be sure to choose events that you can relate to this concept.

2. What was the greatest force of change in American life during the period 1790-1877?

3. In what ways does American history from 1790 to 1877 influence our society today? Choose one to three major ways, such as events or ideas, talked about in this class. Choose things that, when you learned more about them, gave you a better understanding of US society today.

4. Tell a short history of slavery, abolition, the Civil War and Reconstruction by explaining the significance of Frederick Douglass to American history.

5. The pre-Civil War era was marked by intense social and political change, as Americans undertook many experiments in reform. Trace the origins and development of three major reform movements during this era and analyze their impact on society.

A reminder of how to do citations in parenthesis: (Author year, page number). For example:

(Oakes et al. 2017, 336)

(Bailey and Kennedy 2016, 345)

For citing class materials use this format: (Class Materials year, Unit number)

For example:

(Class Materials 2017, Unit Four)

Exam Rubric

Criteria (100 points total)


Answer (40)

Overall answer to the question and how well the answer is explained throughout your essay both overall and in the details.

Structure (10)

Thesis, organization into an introduction, body and conclusion, flow from point to point, style, tone.

Evidence (30)

Use of sources and citations

Requirements (20)

Length, citations, proofreading

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