Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. psychology paper,,one page……………………………..

please use the following Case Scenario to answer the Question:

Inc. sent Steve one of its employees to get a job with BUGusa, Inc. and
spy for WIRETIME Inc. hired him to work in its research and development
department located in Any State, U.S.A. Walter, a security guard for
BUGusa, Inc., learns that Steve really works for WIRETIME, Inc. Walter
takes Steve to a small soundproof room where he keeps him for six hours.
 During this time, Walter continues to ask Steve what he is doing at
BUGusa, Inc. and what information he has provided to WIRETIME, Inc.
Walter tells Steve that he will hurt him if he dose not tell him
everything. Steve finally tells Walter what he wants to know. Walter
then lets Steve go Home..

Has Walter committed any torts? If so explain. Discuss any liability BUGusa, Inc. may have for Walters Actions.

Humanities Homework Help

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